Foundation of the Carl Benzinger Company by the jewellery representative Carl Benzinger.
Construction of simple machines for the jewellery industry in Pforzheim.
Benzinger Company moves from Pforzheim to Unterreichenbach.
Gustav Jehle becomes managing engineer and takes over the company Benzinger 1941.
Construction of manually operated finish cutting machines. Developement of the method of high polish finishing using natural diamonds. Construction of programme controlled milling machines.
Dieter Jehle, graduate engineer, joins the company and starts developing pneumatic and hydraulic drives for copy-milling-machines.
Start of construction of hydraulically controlled copy-milling-machines for watchcases.
Start of sales of NC-controlled lathes from Seibu (Japan).
Construction of the first CNC lathe TBR-4.
Development and construction of the successful TNL lathe and TNS lathe series, which were built until 2010.
The entry of Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Rainer Jehle in the technical area introduces the change to the 3rd generation within the Jehle family in the management of Benzinger Company.
Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Jehle joins the company and takes over the commercial management.
At the turn of the year 2007/ 2008, the company moves into the new ultra-modern lathe production company building in Pforzheim-Büchenbronn.
Today, Benzinger products are synonymous with customer-specific, high-precision production solutions in the field of turning machines and milling machines in combination with various automation solutions.